Michael Sync - Crisp, minimal personal blog
Michael Sync

Michael Sync

Crisp, minimal personal blog

04 Sep 2021

TestPlatformException - Can't run the xunit test on Visual Studio 2019?

Are you having an issue with running your unit tests on Visual Studio 2019 even after you have the Xunit Visual Studio Runner Nuget package in your project? Here is the quick tip for you.
19 Aug 2021

AWS API Gateway + Lambda: 500 Internal server error or Invalid permissions on Lambda function

Here is another sweet and short tip for AWS API Gateway Internal Error.
07 Aug 2021

AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Certificate - Study Resources

I recently passed the Azure AI Fundamental exam. I want to share what I studied for that exam.
06 Aug 2021

Rebuilding my blog (COVID Edition)

I am rebuilding this blog after taking a break for a few years. I am migrating some of my old posts and will be adding a new post as well. Stay tuned.
02 Oct 2015

Unit Test parallel execution of static classes or ServiceLocator

Mocking the static classes is anti-pattern but if you are on a legacy monolith project and need an option, this post is for you.